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The random walk moves one step 'up', 'right', 'down' or 'left' with the probability of 0.25. (The walk can be stopped/started by the 'Stop' and 'Start'-buttons.)

The walk is bounded and every time it reaches a limit it restarts. Random walks in one, two or three dimensions play an important role in many processes.
A walk in one dimension can represent a population or a queue where the size of the population, or the queue, increases or decreases in random steps. The population or the queue itself can be as real as a fortune or number of Trouble Reports, etc. The random walk might be bounded – a fortune or a queue cannot be less than 0.
A popular example of a random walk is the famous Gambler's Ruin (see the literature.) Of course, the random steps do not need to be equal-sized or with the same probability and can be more or less complicated.
The three dimensional walk is often used as a model for particles in a fluid and the statistical treatment can be rather complicated.

(Note: repeated runs of the two dimensional walk can sometimes show a path that looks far from random.)


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51. The Quincunx – a classical tool

Illustrates the binomial distribution as well as a random walk



